
Q: What is the difference between a soldier and a lady?
A: One faces the powder, the other powders the face.

Q: What is the difference between a train conductor and a teacher?
A: One minds the train, the other trains the mind.



Lots of me friends are getting engaged and married this year. How about you?

Hopefully you all will stick to moderation in the hantaran, remember, amalkan wasadthiah.




“Keris aku aku genggam,

Keris kamu kamu genggam,

Tidak sekali keris berlaga,

Keris harus masuk sarungnya.”


Favourite Songs.

Apo Kono Eh Jang?

Ally Noor & Mastura - Apo Kono Eh Jang?

Apa Nak Di Kato

Blues Gang - Apa Nak Di Kato

Cek Mek Molek

M Daud Kilau - Cik Mek Molek

Senario - Sebelum dan Sesudah

Senario - Sebelum dan Sesudah

Jon Bon Jovi - Always

Jon Bon Jovi - Always

I have a terrible voice. Tapi memang layan melalak. Padan muka, sapa suruh ajak.


“Big people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about other people.”

Interview: Hip Hop



Intro: I was interviewed on Hip Hop music videos. Here are the questions and my answers.

Interview Questions

Step 1

I will show 2 different hip hop music videos portraying different themes, one with exploitation of gender roles whilst the other without. Based on the two music videos, I will ask these questions:

1st music video- 50 cent candy shop

2nd music video- coolio c u when u get there

1. What is your opinion on the first music video?

Nice, but it gets nowhere. There is nothing to sell, no story line, no comedy, just a video of hot girls moving around acting aroused.

2. What is your opinion in the second music video?

I very much like the second music video thank you. There are story lines, cool effects (I like cool effects) and there are moral messages to the viewer both in the lyric and video. (Plus, the video has bits of whatever movie that features Tim Robbins, Tim Robbins from Shawkshank Redemption. Woohoo!)

3. What do you think about the female characters portrayed in the first music video?

Hot yet fake and unsatisfied. Hot meaning they are hot, if they were my taste, fake meaning they had to fake their reactions (some call this acting), looked very unreal to me, unsatisfied meaning looking back, they themselves will be unsatisfied with what they did on the video, I was not satisfied at all.

4. What do you think about the female characters portrayed in the second music video?

There were no significant female characters portrayed in the second music video. If there were, I can imagine they would be portrayed as motherly or with ladylike manners. More to real life than fantasy-pimp-life.

5. What do you think about the male characters portrayed in the first music video?

Muscly man who wears big jacket, drive fast cars and wears fancy accessories. To me they are just trying to set a fashion trend.

6. What do you think about the male characters portrayed in the second music video?

Real life people doing real life jobs having real life issues.

7. What do you think about the environment portrayed in the first music video?

Mansion like setting with smoke as floors, with girls all over, so unreal.

8. What do you think about the environment portrayed in the second music video?

Real places, real homes, real streets. It feels real.

9. Which music video do you like best between the two? Why?

Coolio’s, because his music video is more meaningful and incurs a strong feeling during and after watching it. Whereas 50 Cent’s music video provides nothing except a few seconds of worthless candy for the eyes.

10. In your opinion, what are the features that make a good hip hop music video?

A loaf of story line, maybe with a sprinkle of comedy, a pinch of emotions, a spoon of moral values and a drop of good taste should make a fine hip hop music video. In fact, this goes to any music video.

11. In your opinion, why are these kind of features used in hip hop music videos?

Anything that people can relate to will make a good music video.

Step 2

I will ask several general questions on the subjects’ background and their opinion on gender settings concerned with hip hop music videos and lyrics.

3. Who are your favorite hip hop artistes? Why?

Too-Phat and Poetic Ammo. Because they are local artists. We support local artists!

Snoop Dogg, although he may portray himself as a pimp in his music videos, he is actually a loving and gentle father and husband, according to “Snoop Dogg Fatherhood”, which is his reality tv show.

4. Do you like watching hip hop music videos?

Not really, typical hip hop music videos offers no comedy or story line, which are my preferences.

5. Do you like watching hip hop music videos compared to other music genres?

No, I only like Pussycat Dolls and Alizee music videos. And both single and group female artists music videos. And live concerts; Metallica, Sade, John Legend to name a few. I also like Sheila On 7 music videos.

6. What are your favorite hip hop music videos?

Too-Phat Anak Ayam. Hahahaha.

7. In your opinion, what are the positive and negative elements shown through the female character roles in hip hop music videos? Why?

Positive- It shows that fit body and figure are achievable.

Negative- Skimpy clothes worn in any kind of weather. If it is cold, please wear more clothes. On the street, please wear more clothes, or you might get stopped by the police.

8. In your opinion, what are the positive and negative elements shown through the male character roles in hip hop music videos? Why?

Positive- Six packs are achievable. Super cars will get girls.

Negative- Untrue myth that guys thinks about sex all the time. Untrue myth that guys only go for girls with a hot body.

9. Do you like hip hop music lyrics? Why?

Not really, too emotional. If you read the lyrics without knowing that it is a hip hop song, you might say it’s an emo gothic song. Hehe.

10. In your opinion, what are the positive and negative elements in hip hop music lyrics?

Typically, positive- none, negative – too many. Sex, sex, sex.

11. What is your opinion on the language used in hip hop music lyrics to refer to female and male characters?

Unrespecful, weird, and unsophisticated.

12. Do the adjectives and terms used to refer certain male and female physical attributes influence the way you talk?

Not really, I’m more inclined to the British* speech pattern and slang. I hate British.

*- (English and Scottish, I don’t really know Welsh or Irish)

Core Hip Hop

Note: Twas for a friend’s course research, so I could not answer as sarcastically as I would have liked to.

Up: Sit and Push



Here’s a programme for push ups. Make sure you do the proper form for your push ups.

And here’s a programme for sit ups. Again, please do the proper form. Enjoy!




I have recently received 70GB of Raw Data to process (From Dewa to King). What am I to do? Where will I find the time? Wish me luck!!




Titan Petrochemicals are having financial problems, Malaysian Marine Heavy Engineering (MMHE) are cutting down projects, Berjaya Corporation Berhad might go bankcrupt, AntaraSteel resorts to running their mills at night, factories are laying off employees by the masses and unemployment numbers are going up fast in Malaysia. These are events of the economic recession.

Despite all this, the small company I’m working at are having salaries increased. My last raise was six months ago and now, I’m getting another raise! Woohoo!! =)

Working Out

Yes, I have started working out. I am following the running course that I have linked in my previous post and I am now in my fourth week. Another five weeks to go and I will be able to run for thirty minutes non-stop, which is excellent for someone as unfit as me.

Run run run
What made me unfit? I sprained my right ankle when I fell down the stairs a few months back. The doctor told me to stay put. I stayed put for a month and it was still hurting. Finally, i decided to go for a massage (urut) to heal my ankle. It was painful, but in a week, I was all healed up and ready to fight. But, somehow idleness kicks in and I accidentally laze around for four months.*Grin*

Tangga Jahat

Tangga Jahat

For now, my get-fit-plans are:-

  • Follow the running course.
  • Everyday, stretch for flexibility and exercises all for the importance of strengthening the hips.
  • Eat less oily food, eat slowly and chew more before swallowing.
  • Eat only when hungry and stop before full (makan bila lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang).

Hope this gets me right back on trek.

Past Post

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